Friday, December 2, 2011

Lazy day

Today is a day with lesser stress, but it was rather busy.

I had to present a topic together with two seniors on Inorganic Chemistry. I didn't have to talk much as my seniors had took up too much time. Was it a good thing? I don't know. I wasn't very well prepared. It's not a topic which I'm good at. There were two presentations and written quizzes on the spot. We only had to do the one we were not presenting.

After that, as I missed the earlier lecture, I went to the class of another Inorganic Chemistry group. Oh my... the presentations were so lengthy and I couldn't wait for it to end. It was such a horrible time as I was waiting to go for PERKUPSI. Everything ended at 1pm, as if the Muslim guys didn't have to prepare to go to the mosque.

Nothing much in the afternoon except for lunch with TESL juniors. Strange huh? I'm not even doing TESL.

Had to walk in the rain for dinner. A friend couldn't come to my place, so I had to go to his place instead.

It's a lazy day.

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